Update: We’re Still Here

Hi folks! Happy Pride Month!

I’m still alive. I apologize for not keeping this website up-to-date, I have been studying multivariable and vector calculus, linear algebra, and Spanish (¡Pasé el DELE B2 en Noviembre del año pasado!); plus, some very life-changing extracurricular activities and the next great journey in my life. Otherwise, I have been extremely well.

I found out from Reddit that this website is actually being used as an information source on discrimination in traditional, men’s single-sex and religious, Freemasonry, so I will spend some time nursing it back to health, including fixing its expired SSL certificates and updating the data tables to include new information.

edit: I have updated the data tables to recognize formal discrimination against transgender men by the Grand Lodges of Ohio and Illinois. If you have information about discrimination occurring in your jurisdiction, please don’t hesitate to e-mail masonicdiscrimination@proton.me.

If you are a moderator of Reddit’s r/freemasonry:

First: unban me, cowards (kidding, kidding; y’all can’t ruin my comment karma here though).

Second: more seriously, my goal for this website is to keep its data tables up-to-date. I realize that the perspective of liberal Freemasonry upon discrimination in traditional, single-sex and religious, Freemasonry is as divisive as the discrimination I have attempted to raise awareness of with this website. To the degree you are willing, I would still appreciate the opportunity to enlist your subreddit in Masonic research. Real sociological research.

I’ll probably spend some time to write here soon, there have been some interesting conversations happening in England recently as a result of the Garrick Club changing its policies to allow women. The long-and-short of my view is that UGLE has navigated these conversations as well as it can, however there is an entire world of Freemasonry beyond England with its own characteristics, history, and discrimination. This is to say nothing of atheists and non-believers in England who can appreciate Masonic symbolism and metaphor, and benefit from them, without religious convictions or positive belief in untestable metaphysical claims.

It’s good to be back! We hope to hear from you on social media soon.