Category: Uncategorized

  • Update: We’re Still Here

    Hi folks! Happy Pride Month! I’m still alive. I apologize for not keeping this website up-to-date, I have been studying multivariable and vector calculus, linear algebra, and Spanish (¡Pasé el DELE B2 en Noviembre del año pasado!); plus, some very life-changing extracurricular activities and the next great journey in my life. Otherwise, I have been…

  • Grand Lodge of Texas Issues Discriminatory Gender Policy

    According to Upon the Square, Texas has just issued a new, discriminatory gender policy: The policy document can be downloaded here. We have updated our data tables on discrimination by jurisdiction to reflect this policy.

  • The History of Women’s Exclusion from Freemasonry and the Emergence of Liberal Freemasonry

    Introduction Freemasonry, a fraternal organization that traces its roots to the stonemasons’ guilds of medieval Europe, has traditionally excluded women from its membership. Since the formation of the first Grand Lodge in England in 1717, mainstream Freemasonry has remained a predominantly male domain, largely based on tradition and archaic social norms. However, the development of…

  • A Conversation with ChatGPT (GPT-4) on Sustaining the Craft

    A Conversation with ChatGPT (GPT-4) on Sustaining the Craft

    Having paid the requisite $20 for early access to OpenAI’s latest language models, including GPT-4, and having an interest in that model’s views of Freemasonry, I thought to have a conversation with it via OpenAI’s ChatGPT platform. The following is a transcript of our conversation: What gaps exist between the beliefs of the Freemasons and…

  • A Masonic appeal to r/atheism

    Hello, r/atheism! I hope this post finds you well. We are a small group of Freemasons dedicated to documenting and resisting discrimination in Freemasonry, including on the basis of religion (or lack thereof). For us, Freemasonry represents a system of refinement and self-improvement, a set of symbolic tools for shaping individuals, and, in so doing,…

  • We have incomplete data, and we need your help

    Fraternal greetings to all regular Freemasons everywhere. Happy Thursday! Stop Masonic Discrimination has a data problem. Our vision is to create the most comprehensive, public repository of data on discrimination in Freemasonry. Listed prominently on the homepage is our Discrimination by Obedience and Jurisdiction page, which includes the data we’ve been able to acquire from…

  • Tennessee Couple Ousted for Posting Wedding Photos on Social Media

    This happened a number of years ago, but for our first case study, I want to raise again the case of Dennis Clark and Mark Henderson, Freemasons under the Grand Lodge of Tennessee who were expelled from their Lodge after posting wedding photos online. The story is widely known, but in case you did not…

  • Hello world!

    Stop Masonic Discrimination is an international organization of Freemasons organized for the purpose of ending the un-Masonic discrimination on the bases of sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, and belief (or lack thereof).